Sanina was born in St Louis, MO, and raised by her mother and grandmother. As a young girl, just a young girl, she realized that words were her favorite reality. Reading captured her attention, but she soon realized that she could affect people in the same way that she was affected by the novels she read.
She began writing poetry and performing in the contests offered at her school. Sanina’s favorite genre to read is historical romance; however, her writing was more erotic in nature. She found her niche in Erotica. She discovered that her writing was more effective when she wrote about her innermost fantasies. Sanina would get lost in her world of fantasies as they made their way to paper. She loved the feeling of knowing that she could stimulate the senses of a reader so intensely that they couldn’t help but respond physically to her written word.
Deviant Sexual Desires was Sanina’s first published, written work. It has been followed by Last Chance, Sapphic Love, Boundless Seduction, Boundless Seduction Special Edition and now her newest release Twisted Coitus Freak Edition.
Sanina spends the majority of her free time writing. Sanina lives and works in her hometown of St. Louis. She is an active resident of her community.
Boundless Seduction Special Edition Boundless-Seduction-Special- Sanina-ebook/dp/B00YVYKCPE/ ref=sr_1_2?s=digital-text&ie= UTF8&qid=1433605763&sr=1-2& keywords=Boundless+Seduction
Twisted Coitus Freak Edition com/dp/1985540142/ref=cm_sw_r_ cp_api_--mvBbZ32VM7J
Deviant Sexual Desires com/gp/aw/d/B00D4ZTWDY/ref=aw_ ss_kndl_dp
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