How did this young woman die so young?
27 years old. She did not deserve to die in such a way. SHE DID NOT DESERVE TO DIE! But the man who choked her father out does. He should be pushing up daisies but this pussy still walking around.
No we weren't there. Not at all. But, we've been in Amerikkka long enough to know that they killed her. If her heart attack was from stress. Where did the stress come from? Have you ever had your father murdered on video for the world to see then the killer get off? Then be brave enough to go into activism to bring awareness and fight against white supremacy and police brutality? Nah, yeen done that.
Amerikkka is poison. But the very people who are causing all of this mayhem are now facing their own demise slowly before our eyes.
We appreciate you Erica for your bravery and inspiration. You fought the hard fight. You didn't lose, we did. R.I.P...
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