Keep working on your craft
Trust the process
Have Faith...
There is no doubt that NC has some of the heaviest hitters in the music game out right now most of them are rappers…BUT Slim Kors is a Singer and Lyricist from Raleigh NC and he grew up with a church foundation so, music has always been in his family.
He first became serious and more passionate about singing at the age of 21 when his grandfather passed away. It still took him some time to actually step into the studio at 26 years old.
Current Album Called: Kors Baby
The inspiration behind the project (which he wrote all his music) included reflections and memories of his life patterns interacting with his family and his relationship with his wife with also bits of his opinion about the current music scene.
It’s one thing to
establish yourself as an Artist but to synch and or vibe with other artists’ who see, hear, and feel the vision opens new doors. So, yes he has collaborated with an artist that goes by Payne you can find the song “Magic Stick” on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music. He has two unreleased collabs with Ty Harriz and is working on two other features with two other Artists. -We definitely look forward to hearing the next collabs!
Many Artists would say that all the songs they have written are their favorite, but for Slim, the song “24 Hrs” hits home. He goes on to share that “before that, I had done my wife wrong, and so I felt like this song was the perfect way to express myself…”
That song was like the 3rd or 4th song he recorded, so his lyrics were kind of all over the place. He didn’t know entirely how to structure a song lyrically, but other than that the song is a hit in his eyes.
He’s had 19 Shows since the summer of 2020 when he first started recording music. His most memorable performance was The First time he performed “New Jam Rock” at Rose Bar in Raleigh, NC
He did exceedingly great for his first time performing on an RNB level. He even got his wife involved and kept the crowd entertained.
Sometimes as an Artist certain situations trigger us, to the point of getting upset. A good example was when Kors got on stage to his thing and sing at a networking event and people started talking during his performance. (-well… that’s kinda rude geez).
Okay so we learned a little bit about Slim Kors... but not only is he a quality sound singer he can also sketch too!
His show on June 27th definitely perked up many ears to his sound. Also, he is work on his EP and a Video Shoot while pushing content until his new release dates get closer. Stay tuned!
Check him out
IG: _Slimkors
Facebook: SlimKors Clark
Find my music on Spotify, SoundCloud, YouTube, and Apple Music. Just search the name Slim Kors
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