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Coture Conversations New Season!
New Season Has Arrived!

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Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Quest Chronicles: Keep Up!!!

 On your mark, get set... go! This is how many entered 2021! We came in guns blazing. 2020 was an uncomfortable year and we were ready for a fresh start with no turning back. I'm talking about how many of us were ready to wash 2020 away for good and ready for life to get back on a better track. Then you have some others still using 2020 as an excuse to not be able to do what they have to do. Yes, it was hard but many have used this opportunity to better themselves, appreciate life, and even started businesses. 

We're not here to give a pity party, we're not here to hear excuses so all we want to know is can you keep up? If, not, we wish you the best but know we're on to bigger and better things. Getting back what 2020 stole and ready to rock 2021 like nobody's business!

This is Ms. Gotta Love Me T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! Show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM


Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have. To learn more about me or to hear about certain topics in-depth please download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & visit my website

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Life offers opportunity and opportunity breeds success so everyday we’re blessed to be living is that opportunity to succeed. There’s an old saying that you have to know where you’ve been in order to know where you’re going. one important thing I have learned after having such an awful 😣 experience for 2020 is that life isn’t promised for tomorrow evident in so many lives that was lost in 2020. Moving forward I’ve learned to appreciate life more and to be generous with love in an effort to elevate that beautiful life within us all 2021 “Love will find a way “🔔♥️





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