With that being said, when trying to date someone who is popular you have to be aware that it comes with many factors that most can't handle. I myself as a popular public figure can't be with an insecure man. Even when it comes to talking to guys on a regular level; there's stipulations that come with that as well.
When you're not officially in a relationship or dating exclusively, you have to know that there may be others in the picture. That's not a bad thing nor should you make someone feel as if they're doing something wrong for giving more than one person some attention. Not saying I encourage people to sleep with everyone they're talking to. All I'm saying is, in order to find who's right for you; you have to give the options a chance. If i'm conversing with a guy, he must know that he may not be the only guy i'm talking to but may have my attention the most.
Once I feel that the situation is something I want to explore and make exclusive then in that moment is when the others will slowly get cut off. I try my best to be open & honest with everyone I'm talking to or whatever so there's no gray area. I am a woman who knows what she wants, needs and desires. If you ask me a question, be prepared for a real answer. If you're trying to date me or any other woman like myself, if you're not secure enough to handle what comes along with the journey then save yourself the embarrassment and make room for the man who's supposed to be there.
This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! Show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM
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