You are so brave. You are so strong. “Thank you” should be the response, correct? Is this a compliment? Can it be received well all the time because last I checked, some of my friends are on the verge of breaking. Many of us have been taught to be strong, how to survive, and how to maneuver through tough times.
During death, we have to be strong for others. As parents, we have to be strong for the kids. Through breakups & divorces, we have to be strong for the family or whomever. What about us? Yes, we know how to move on but don’t you think we hurt too?
Remember that phrase “Check on your strong friends”? It’s real. Many may say they’re okay but deep down inside they’re not. They’re human, going through this experience we call life and hurt just like everyone else. If they don’t allow you IN, just respectfully remind them that you are here for them, give them a random hug, find a way to put a smile on their face & just show up. It’ll be appreciated.
This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! Show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM
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